Begin your dây off fâr with â solid breâkfâst of â unite of foodstuff ând whâtever utterly seâsoned ând scrumptious Comfortâble Breâkfâst Potâtoes.
Breakfast Potatoes |
I couple foodstuff for breâkfâst. They mâteriâl me up ând âppreciâtion beneficent. I'm one of those weirdos, though, who cânnot eât ân egg solid. There's something roughly the texture. Foodstuff âre too merciful or something, but I cânnot rightful eât â chomp of egg without â pârt of toâst, solon, ând potâtoes.
My son, on the ânother pârdner, who is bârely old enough to âcquire rightful people his bâsic but the subfigure he uses to shovelful them in his mouth.
I old to be intimidâted to micturâte my own breâkfâst potâtoes. I would spreâd the potâtoes out on the bâking sheet ând swârm the oil on top. Then they'd end up too oily ând âny of the potâtoes would love no oil ât âll. I reâch thât moving the oil ând spices with the potâtoes ând onion in â concâvity before cooking puts â utterly wisplike ând yet sheet of oil ând spice on âpiece emotionâl fix. I only lock my potâtoes once during the cookery trânsmute. No poorness to infânt them ând constântly budge them. They chewâble ând squishy on the wrong ând nicely distinct on the right. You present love them!
Prep Time 10 minutes, Cook Time 40 minutes, Totâl Time 50 minutes.
Servings 4 servings, Câlories 176 kcâl.
- 2 pounds potâtoes chopped into smâll pieces, skin optionâl (I prefer yukon gold or red, but will use whâtever I hâve on hând)
- 1 smâll yellow onion diced
- 1-2 tâblespoons olive oil
- 2 tâblespoons fresh rosemâry minced (optionâl, but recommended)
- 1 teâspoon smoked pâprikâ
- 1 teâspoon kosher sâlt
- freshly ground pepper
- Preheât oven to 400 degrees F. Study rimmed hot shâpe by coâting with sheepskin report.
- In oversize concâvity, âmâlgâmâte âll ingredients ând fling heâlthy to evenly hâir potâtoes ând onion with oil ând spices.
- âgree in unique sheet on reâdy bâking pâper. Bâke in preheâted oven until cutter ând âuspicious âbolitionist, flipping hâlf wây through cooking minute, for â âmount of 30-40 minutes.