How Much Everyday Mineral Your Body Needed?

Minerals are indispensable for the human body’s well functioning. However, this necessity should not be understood as excess, our body needing limited quantities of these nutrients.

That’s why supplementary minerals should be recommended only by specialists and only to those who really need them, an adequate nourishment being more efficient when it comes to obtaining all the body’s necessary resources, including minerals.
Read this article in order to find out the recommended daily dose and what symptoms develop in case of mineral deficiency or excess.


Recommended daily dose: 1000-1500mg;

Natural resources: dairy (milk, yoghurt, cheese), cabbage, canned bony salmon or sardines,

raw mustard stems, broccoli, figs, honey bread/carob, oat, plums, asparagus, sesame seeds, soy beans, wheat;

Ideal if combined with: boron, essential fat acids, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, vitamins A, C, D, F, cobalt, folic acid, iron and zinc;

Calcium deficiency symptoms: muscular convulsions, rickets, osteoporosis;

Calcium excess symptoms: calcium isn’t considered to be toxic; supplementary calcium isn’t recommended for those suffering of renal injuries-including renal calculus.


Recommended daily dose: 200-600mcg;

Natural resources: yeast, broccoli, ham, grape juice (must), brown rice, cheese, whole wheat/bread, dry beans, calf liver, chicken, corn, dairy, eggs, potatoes, mushrooms, wine, beer;

Chromium deficiency symptoms (rare): fat, carbohydrate, protein and amino-acid metabolizing process altered;

Chromium excess symptoms: generally chromium isn’t considered to be toxic, but inhaling industrial chromium has been correlated to lung cancer.


Recommended daily dose: 0,5-2mg;

Natural resources: sea food, nuts, seeds, cocoa, beans, whole grains, mushrooms, calf liver,

avocado, barley, beets, broccoli, lentils, oat, oranges, radishes, raisins, salmon, salads;

Ideal if combined with: folic acid, cobalt, iron, zinc;

Copper deficiency symptoms: osteoporosis, body’s inability of producing collagen, weariness, hair loss, slowed growing process, slowed nervous system development, retardation;

Copper excess symptoms: nausea, vomiting, stomach aches, diarrhea, headaches, metallic taste and hemolytic anemia.


Recommended daily dose: 1,4-4mg;

Natural resources: tea, canned salmon, mackerel, kidneys and liver;

Chromium deficiency symptoms: cavities, fragile bones;

Chromium excess symptoms: stained teeth, osteoporosis.


Recommended daily dose: 0-150mcg mainly for everybody, 150-300mcg for those following low-iodine diets;

Natural resources: iodized salt, sea food, saltwater fish, milk, algae;

Ideal if combined with: iron, manganese, phosphorus;

Iodine deficiency symptoms: growth and sexual development may be delayed at children, goiter;

Iodine excess symptoms: generally iodine isn’t considered to be toxic. If the recommended daily dose is overtaken, and under 1000mcg/day are ingested, headaches, metallic taste and skin irritation may appear.


Recommended daily dose: 15-25mg men, 18-30 mg women;

Natural resources: cereals, beef, potatoes, clams, pumpkin seeds, soy beans, eggs, fish, liver, potherb, nuts, avocado, beets, yeast, peaches, pears, lentils, dried plums, raisins, sesame seeds;

Iron deficiency symptoms: anemia, dry and rough hair, dizziness, weariness, hair loss, chapped lips and tongue, impatience, delayed mental answer, paleness;

Iron excess symptoms: generally iron isn’t considered to be toxic if administrated under 75mg/day. A larger dose may cause: abdominal gripes, vomiting and diarrhea. A great iron overdose can be lethal if medical assistance isn’t given immediately.


Recommended daily dose: 500-750mg;

Natural resources: brown rice, avocado, spinach, cod, oat flour, broccoli, yoghurt, bananas, apples, apricots, yeast, melons, grapefruits, potherb, lemons, nuts, salmon, sesame seeds, wheat;

Ideal if combined with: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins B6, C, D;

Magnesium deficiency symptoms: sleep disturbance, irritability, fast heart beating, confusion, muscular convulsions;

Magnesium excess symptoms: generally magnesium isn’t considered to be toxic, but can cause diarrhea, weariness and arrhythmia.


Recommended daily dose: 15-30mg;

Natural resources: pineapples, wheat bran, wheat germs, nuts, cocoa, sea food, dairy, apples, apricots, avocado, bananas, yeast, melons, grapefruits, potherb, peaches, figs, salmon, soy beans;

Ideal if combined with: calcium, iron, vitamin B complex, vitamin E;

Manganese deficiency symptoms: Rarely: arteriosclerosis, confusion, tremble, high cholesterol level, affected sight and hearing, skin irritation, arterial hypertension, irritability, pancreatic injury, sweating, high cardiac rhythm, teeth grinding;

Manganese excess symptoms: generally manganese isn’t considered to be toxic. Inhaling industrial manganese has been correlated with psychiatrical diseases.


Recommended daily dose: 75mcg;

Natural resources: beans, whole cereals, dairy, potherb, vegetables, peas, meat,

Molybdenum deficiency symptoms: Rarely: high cardiac rhythm, gum and mouth problems, impotence in the case of older men, high breathing ratio;

Molybdenum excess symptoms: molybdenum isn’t considered to be toxic.


Recommended daily dose: 1200mg;

Natural resources: yoghurt, salmon, chicken breast, low-fat veal, oat flour, broccoli, asparagus, corn, dairy, eggs, dried fruit, beverages, nuts, sesame, pumpkin, sunflower seeds;

Ideal if combined with: calcium, iron, manganese, sodium, vitamin B6;

Phosphorus deficiency symptoms: weariness, irritability, low appetite, bone aches, weakness, skin sensitivity;

Phosphorus excess symptoms: rarely is considered to be toxic, symptoms including bone fragility correlated with calcium loss (osteoporosis).


Recommended daily dose: 3500mg;

Natural resources: potatoes, dried apricots;

Phosphorus deficiency symptoms: dry skin, acne, chills, diarrhea, affected cognitive functions, muscular contractions, arrhythmia, edema, poor reflexes, thirst, glucose intolerance, slowed growth, insomnia, high cholesterol level, low arterial tension;

Phosphorus excess symptoms: rarely is considered to be toxic, but in excess may cause arrhythmia and cardiac arrest-in case of an 18gr/day dose.


Recommended daily dose:

*100-400mcg for people living in a geo-climatic selenium deficit area (like icy areas);

* 50-200mcg for those living in selenium rich areas;

Natural resources: lobsters, nuts, sea food, whole cereals, organic meat, brown rice, poultry, broccoli, dairy, onion, salmon, tuna, wheat germs, wheat grains;

Phosphorus deficiency symptoms: muscular weakness, connections with cardiac affections and cancer, weariness, delayed growth, high cholesterol level, infertility;

Phosphorus excess symptoms: rarely is considered to be toxic. Selenium intoxication symptoms may include: breaking nails and hair, irritability, kidney and liver malfunction, metallic taste, dermatitis and jaundice.


Recommended daily dose: 2400mg;

Natural resources: cheese, most meat-especially ham and beef jerky, cereals, bread, cabbage, milk, sardines;

Ideal if combined with: calcium, potassium, vitamin D;

Phosphorus deficiency symptoms: nausea, vomiting, weariness, abdominal gripes, dehydration, confusion, depression, dizziness, palpitations, headaches, affected taste, low arterial pressure;

Phosphorus excess symptoms: edema, high arterial pressure, lack of potassium, kidney and liver malfunction.


Recommended daily dose: 22,5-50mg;

Natural resources: cooked clams, beef, lamb, eggs, whole cereals, nuts, yoghurt, fish, vegetables, liver, mushrooms, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, sardines, soy beans, chicken;

Ideal if combined with: calcium, copper, phosphorus, vitamin B6;

Phosphorus deficiency symptoms: change in taste and smell perception, nails can become thin and start exfoliating, acne, delayed sexual maturity, hair loss, high cholesterol, bad night vision, impotence, infection-high susceptibility;

Phosphorus excess symptoms: nausea, vomiting, abdominal aches, deficient coordination, weariness.

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