Healthy Fats No Body Talk About It Before

Traditional food is delicious, nourishing, consistent, and mainly based on fats. With the aid of numerous informing campaigns we all seem to know about the negative effects of fats, as: increasing cholesterol level, tiring liver and pancreas, and affecting blood vessels.
Nevertheless our body needs a regular 20% fat based diet, because fats are responsible for:
  • good brain activity (learning and storage abilities), balancing mentality/mood;
  • fetus brain development while still in womb;
  • building cellular membranes and increasing cellular flexibility;
  • heart energizing: fat burning provides 60% of the hearts energy;
  • eye health;
  • slowing down digestion-giving the body enough time to absorb the necessary nutrients;
  • the good absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K).
In order to avoid/fight off fat side effects, and to fully benefit of them, we must learn to make a difference between good and bad fats.

Generally animal original fats tend to harm us. These are saturated fats, and are responsible for cholesterol excess increase-which if not used is deposited on artery walls-leading to an increased mio-cardiac attack risk, as well as arterial thrombosis.

Completely eliminating fats from your regular diet is a mistake because cholesterol is an elementary life substance, the human body synthesizing from it gall salts, sexual hormones etc.

A fully grown person needs a maximum 300mg cholesterol based daily diet.

This quantity needing to be obtained from polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat acids, which can be found in: fish, fish fat, vegetal originated products as: sunflower oil, wheat germs, nuts, soy, dry fruit and olive oil-the most important monounsaturated fat source.

Ways of reducing eaten cholesterol:

  • eat as less red meat as you can (especially pork);
  • choose low-fat dairy;
  • base your daily diet on: fruit, vegetables and potherb-for these are  rich in fibers;
  • help your body burn fat by regularly exercising.

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