Snow Ball Pudding - Recipe Book

Snow Ball Pudding

Snow Ball Pudding is an easy dessert with eggs. Egg lovers must try this unique recipe.

  1. Eggs-2 large

  2. Sweetened condensed milk-1/4 cup

  3. Vanilla essence-1/2 tsp

  4. Cocoa powder-1 tbsp

  5. Corn flour-1 tbsp

  6. Sugar-1/4 cup

  7. Milk-1 cup

  8. Apple-1

  • Separate egg whites and egg yolks.

  • Beat egg whites until thick and fluffy.

  • Scoop it like balls and add in to boiling water; cook a minute and take it out from the water and keep aside.

  • Mix egg yolk with cocoa powder, sugar, condensed milk, vanilla essence and corn flour.

  • Add milk slowly and whisk well to combine.

  • Cook it on medium flame until  creamy thick.

  • In a small pudding add thinly chopped apple.

  • Above that pour the prepared hot custard; level it.

  • On top place the egg white balls.

  • Garnish with chopped cashews.

  • Chill until set.

Snow Ball Pudding

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