Mild Chocolate Cake in a Fry Pan

Making Cakes in Fry Pan is pretty easier and time saving. Here is a mildly flavored chocolate cake recipe in fry pan.

  1. Eggs-3 large

  2. Powdered sugar-3/4 cup

  3. Oil-1/4 cup

  4. Vanilla essence-1/2 tsp

  5. Milk-2 tbsp

  6. Flour-1/2 cup

  7. Cocoa powder-2 tbsp

  8. Cornflour-2 tbsp

  9. Baking powder-1 tsp

  • Beat eggs by adding powdered sugar until fluffy and thick.

  • Add all other ingredients (sift the dry ingredients before adding).

  • Mix gently without beating and beat on low speed for few seconds.

  • Fold the batter to combine well and divide the in three equal portions.

  • Grease a non-stick pan (about 6 to 7 inch wide) with little oil.

  • Add one portion and cover the lid tightly.

  • Cook on low flame for 6 minutes (until top gets dry)

  • Prepare the three cakes and allow to cools down completely before frosting.

  • Frost with chocolate whip cream garnish with chocolate ganache.


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