Vancho Cake Recipe - Recipe Book

Vancho cake 🍰is a combination of VANILLA and CHOCOLATE cake layers. Even it took much patience to prepare; worth tasting it. Here is the simplest and easiest recipe for a super delicious vancho cake;

Please Make sure that all the ingredients are at room temperature👍
Ingredients For The Vanilla Cake:
  1. Eggs-3large

  2. Oil-1/4 cup

  3. Sugar-3/4 cup

  4. Milk-1 tbsp

  5. Vanilla essence-1 tsp

  6. Flour-1 cup

  7. Milk powder-1 tbsp

  8. Baking soda-1/4 tsp

  9. Baking powder-1/2 tsp

  10. Salt-a pinch

  • Pre-heat a pan at 10 minutes on low flame;; place a stand (Or wire rack) inside) ;Cover it with a tight lid.

  • In a mixer blender add all the ingredients from 1 to 5.

  • Blend on high speed for 3 minutes.

  • Add in to a large bowl.

  • Now place a strainer on top; add flour, milk powder, baking soda, baking powder and salt.

  • Sieve it.

  • Mix gently to the batter by folding well.

  • Add in to a well greased 8 inch (or 7 inch) baking pan.

  • Tap the pan to remove air bubbles.

  • Place it inside the pre-heated pan and cook on low flame for about 40-45 minutes (Or check until the top gets dried and insert a skewer whether it comes out clean)

  • Allow to cools down completely; then remove from the cake pan.

In the same manner prepare a chocolate cake also.The only difference in ingredients is add 2 tbsp of cocoa powder and remove 2 tbsp of flour from the above ingredients.
Other Ingredients:
  1. Whipped cream-2 cups (frozen)

  2. Sweet Cocoa powder-2 tbsp (or no-sweet)

  3. Milk-1 tbsp

  4. For The Chocolate Ganache:

  5. Melted white chocolate- 1/2cup +1 tbsp butter +1/4 cup whip cream (Mix everything on low flame until completely melts and form a nice ganache).

  6. Melted dark chocolate-1/2 cup+1 tbsp butter +1/4 cup whip cream

  • Whip up the thawed whip cream until soft and fluffy.

  • Divide the cream in to two parts. (3/4 part and 1/4 part )

  • In a bowl add 2 tbsp of cocoa powder and 1 tbsp of milk; dilute well.

  • Now add 1/4 part of whipped cream in to it by three additions by folding gently.

  • Cut the both cakes in to two equal circles.

  • In a cake turn table apply little whip cream; place a layer of Chocolate cake.

  • Wet the cake with sugar syrup or dark chocolate ganache.

  • Layer it with Cocoa whip cream frosting.

  • Then place a layer of Vanilla cake on top; wet with white chocolate ganche; Cover with whip cream topping. Continue layering for chocolate cake and vanilla cake again.

  • Cover the cake completely with whip cream.

  • Refrigerate at-least an hour to set.

  • For Garnishing Pour the white chocolate ganache all over the cake.

  • Make small lines with dark chocolate ganache (see video)

  • Set the cake for overnight in fridge and slice it!!

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