Whole Wheat Pumpkin Spice Muffins

My whole wheat pumpkin spice muffins are a real crowd-pleaser, and they are so light, fluffy and delicious.

My whole wheat pumpkin spice muffins are a real crowd-pleaser, and they are so light and fluffy. | APinchOfHealthy.com

Seriously y’all! These have passed the family taste test, and I have even brought them to feed to a crowd. And I usually do not health-i-fy anything that I feed to a crowd. But these really are that good.

And these have me basking in all the fall glory. I LOVE fall!🍁 It is my most favorite season. Something about fall just feels so cozy and home-y.

Maybe it is the relief from the oppressive Alabama summers?🔥😎😂 Or maybe it is all the fun holidays and gatherings. And the smells, the colors, the college football. I just love it.

Now that it is *officially* fall, these whole wheat pumpkin spice muffins are the perfect way to usher in all the glory of autumn.

The texture in these is perfect with the help of some Greek yogurt, plus one of my favorite staples – whole wheat pastry flour.

My whole wheat pumpkin spice muffins are a real crowd-pleaser, and they are so light and fluffy. | APinchOfHealthy.com

My whole wheat pumpkin spice muffins are a real crowd-pleaser, and they are so light and fluffy. | APinchOfHealthy.com

What is Whole Wheat Pastry Flour?

Whole wheat pastry flour is made with a different wheat berry – one that is lighter and less dense than the typical regular wheat flour. I have seen it at Whole Foods and Sprouts. But I have also linked it for you on Amazon here as well (affiliate) in case you cannot find it locally.

So with that said, do not try using regular wheat flour in these because they will turn out dense and not near as good. 😝🙅🏼

You can make them with regular all-purpose white flour too, and they are still really delicious. But I dare you to try the whole wheat pastry flour, even if you don’t like whole wheat foods. I am willing to bet you will be surprised how beautifully they turn out.

Canned versus homemade pumpkin puree

Also, if you make your own pumpkin puree like I do in the Instant Pot, you can use that too. Just measure out 7.5 ounces on a food scale.

I did use canned for this particular batch, but I have made it both ways. Either way works out great!👌🏻

My whole wheat pumpkin spice muffins are a real crowd-pleaser, and they are so light and fluffy. | APinchOfHealthy.com

FAQ’s about whole wheat pumpkin spice muffins

Can I freeze these?

Yes, you can freeze them. Make sure you use an airtight container and wrap them well to avoid freezer burn. I have frozen mine for up to six weeks, FYI.

Can I use regular whole wheat flour?

I would not recommend it for this recipe. Your muffins would likely turn out too dense. Instead, I would recommend any of the following:

  • Use half whole wheat and half all purpose flour
  • Use all purpose flour
  • Or make as written, with whole wheat pastry flour

What can I use in place of avocado oil?

Melted coconut oil works (let it cool a little so it is not piping hot). Or you could even use canola oil.

Can I make the batter ahead of time?

Yes, I have mixed up the batter the night before, refrigerated it and made these the following morning. I have not tested making it any more ahead of time, and I would probably recommend baking it within twenty four hours.

Tools Used to Make Whole Wheat Pumpkin Spice Muffins

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Whole Wheat Pumpkin Spice Muffin Recipe

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My whole wheat pumpkin spice muffins are a real crowd-pleaser, and they are so light and fluffy. | APinchOfHealthy.com

Whole Wheat Pumpkin Spice Muffins

My whole wheat pumpkin spice muffins are a real crowd-pleaser, and they are so light, fluffy and delicious.

Author Marjorie @APinchOfHealthy


  • 1 1/2
    whole wheat pastry flour

  • 1/2

  • 1
    baking soda

  • 1/2
    baking powder

  • 1
    pumpkin pie spice blend
    (I used the Sprouts store brand, but any kind will work)

  • 1

  • 1/4
    avocado oil
    (you can sub melted coconut oil or canola)

  • 1/2
    Greek yogurt
    (I used 2%, but any will work)

  • 1/2
    100% pure pumpkin puree
    (7.5 ounces)

  • 1

  • 1
    pure vanilla extract

  • 1/4
    old fashioned oats, uncooked
    (optional garnish)

  • cooking spray


  1. Combine the flour, salt, baking soda, baking powder and pumpkin pie spice blend in a medium mixing bowl.

  2. In a separate bowl (or in a stand mixer), combine the sugar, oil, yogurt, pumpkin puree, egg and vanilla. I used my stand mixer on low for about 30 seconds until well-combined.

  3. Slowly incorporate the dry ingredients into the wet, while mixing on low, being careful not to over mix. 

  4. Spray a 12-cup muffin tin, or use muffin liners, and spoon the muffin batter evenly into all 12 cups.

  5. Bake in a preheated over at 375 degrees until a toothpick inserted in the middle of a muffin comes out clean, for about 20 minutes.

Recipe Notes

Nutrition information is approximate and was calculated using a recipe nutrition label generator.

Nutrition Facts

Whole Wheat Pumpkin Spice Muffins

Amount Per Serving

Calories 180
Calories from Fat 45

% Daily Value*

Fat 5g8%

Cholesterol 15mg5%

Sodium 198mg9%

Potassium 131mg4%

Carbohydrates 30g10%

Fiber 2g8%

Sugar 17g19%

Protein 3g6%

Vitamin A 2780IU56%

Vitamin C 0.7mg1%

Calcium 29mg3%

Iron 0.9mg5%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

This post originally appeared on A Pinch of Healthy September 20, 2017.

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