Tomato Vermicelli Upma - Recipe Book


Tomato vermicelli upma is an easy and lazy breakfast choice. Follow the simple recipe and enjoy the comfort food.

Tomato Vermicelli Upma

  1. Oil-1 tbsp

  2. Mustard seeds- 1/2 tsp

  3. Thin vermicelli-2 cup

  4. Tomato-2 medium

  5. Thinly chopped ginger-1 tsp

  6. Thinly chopped green chilli-1 tsp

  7. Thinly chopped carrot-2 tbsp

  8. Fresh green pea- 1/4 cup

  9. Chilli powder-1 tsp

  10. Salt-to taste

  11. Chopped spring onion / coriander leaves- one handful

  • Boil the tomatoes in water for about 5 minutes. Sari it and add in to cold water.

  • Peel its outer sin and puree them in a blender to smooth. Keep aside.

  • Also Add vermicelli in to boiled hot water(salted) rest for two minutes (no need to cook) and drain it. keep aside.

  • Heat a pan with oil; splutter mustard seeds.

  • Add ginger and green chilly; mix well.

  • Add carrots and green pea; saute for 3 minutes.

  • Add tomato puree, chilli powder and salt.

  • Cook for about 2 minutes until tomato puree starts drying.

  • Add cooked vermicelli; mix well.

  • Sprinkle spring onion chopped and turn off heat.

Vermicelli Upma

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