Creamy Garlic Pasta - Recipe Book

Creamy Garlic Pasta

Pasta; the popular Italian dish is now served around Worldwide. Creamy garlic pasta is one of the simplest and delicious pasta recipe you have ever made. You can make them within 10-15 minutes with handful of ingredients.

  1. Pasta-1 cup

  2. Butter-1 tbsp

  3. Thinly chopped garlic-1 tbsp

  4. All purpose flour-11/2 tbsp

  5. Milk-1 cup

  6. Mixed herbs crushed- 1/2 tsp

  7. Pepper powder-1 tsp

  8. Salt-to taste

  • Boil pasta in enough water by adding salt or about 8 minutes or until cooked.

  • Mean while prepare the cream sauce.

  • Heat Butter in a pan; add garlic and saute for a minute.

  • Add Flour and mix well in low flame for a minute.

  • Add pepper powder and mixed herbs.

  • Add milk little by little by stirring well.

  • Cook for another few minutes until the milk sauce starts thickening.

  • Add salt and drained pasta.

  • Mix well and serve warm by topping with grated cheese or herbs.

Note: Even though it tasted good; You can add grated cheese., cooked veggies and cooked chicken pieces in to it as per your choice.

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