Cooking tips: How to make a delicious whipped cream recipe.

 whipped cream recipe.

Whipped cream is one of the main ingredients from many delicious desserts. Even though in supermarkets you can find many whipped cream substitutes that can easily be used, their taste can’t be compared to the taste real whipped cream-made out of fresh cream-has.

With the help of a mixer, making whipped cream won’t take more than a couple of minutes.

How whipped cream is made-a few handy tips 

  • Cream will whip easier if you add a pinch of salt in the beginning.
  • Add sugar when the cream is almost whipped, thus the whipped cream will have greater volume. If you add the sugar at the beginning of the whipped cream making process, it will have a lower volume.
  • Before preparing the whipped cream, keep the cream in the fridge for a couple of hours (or in the freezer for a couple of minutes). It is also indicated that the bowl in which you will be preparing the whipped cream be kept a while in the fridge in order to be cold.
  • For beating a cup of whipped cream, you will need 1-2 spoons of sugar and 1-2 spoons of vanilla.*From a cup of cream you can make two cups of whipped cream. After a few hours, this whipped cream will lose its volume. You can mix it again, and it’s ok for consumption, even the second day after it was made.
  • The fatter the cream, the better it will beat up, because it’s the whipped fat that incorporates air bubbles that appear during the preparation.
  • Whipped cream and desserts that have whipped cream should be kept in the fridge.

 whipped cream recipe.

Preparation method: 

  1. Start by cooling the bowl in which you will be whipping the cream by keeping it in the fridge or freezer for a couple of minutes. Also check that the cream is cool, but not frozen (cooler cream is easier to whip).
  2. Pour the cream in the cooled bowl and start whipping it at a low speed (if you use high speed, you’ll only mess up everything that surrounds you). At this point air bubbles will start to appear at the surface.
  3. Slightly tip the mixer and whip the cream with faster moves. At this point the cream will become fluffy and increase in volume.
  4. Add sugar and continue whipping the cream.
  5. Alternate between circular and linear moves. As the whipped cream thickens, increase the mixers speed. Check its consistency by lifting the mixer from the whipped cream: if a small difference of level is left and its tip is slightly tilted, you should lower the mixers speed. If you whip the cream too much, you risk transforming it into butter.

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