Anti-inflammatory Diets

Anti-inflammatory Diets

The notion of anti-inflammatory diet is funded on a simple concept: these diets are based on certain foods which are known for their ability to reduce inflammation.

Many of these anti-inflammatory diets are focused on such foods as: whole cereal, vegetables, fresh potherb and fresh fruit, nuts, seeds, fish or seafood, poultry, and they avoid the foods which aggravate inflammations: refined cereal, corn, fat dairy products, red meat, caffeine, alcohol, peanuts, sugar, saturated and trans-saturated fats.

What is an inflammation?

An inflammation is a reaction of the tissues near a lesion site. The lesion may be caused by bacterial or viral infections, trauma, chemicals, excessive heat or any other causes which can lead to irritation.

These determine the tissues to release substances which lead to structural changes, a process known as inflammation.

The main substances produced by the tissues, and which lead to inflammation are histamines, serotonin, limfokine etc.

Affections associated with chronic inflammation

Inflammation has been associated with affections such as arthritis, cardiac diseases, diabetes, cerebral strokes, asthma, allergies, irritable bowel syndrome, obesity, chronic stress, sleep disorders, Alzheimer, hypertension etc.

The general anti-inflammatory treatments include relaxation, moderate physical exercise (such as walking, for instance), body weight control and medication used to reduce the inflammation and to alleviate the pain when needed (ibuprofen, aspirin etc.).

Foods which reduce chronic inflammation

Many nutrition specialists recommend diets to patients suffering frequently from inflammations. These diets help the immune system respond more efficiently to the problems it needs to solve.

The anti-inflammatory diets are not meant only to reduce already existing inflammations, but also to reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases.

Whole cereal

Whole cereal and foods produced from it have been associated with a decrease in the inflammatory

markers concentration and an increase in the adiponectin levels.


Diets rich in vegetables are connected to low concentrations of the reactive C protein. The main vegetables which have this effect are beans.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are rich in unsaturated fats and other nutrients with anti-inflammatory effects. The regular consumption of nuts and seeds is associated with a decreased risk of developing cardio-vascular affections and type 2 diabetes. It is recommended to include nuts, pumpkin seeds or flaxseeds in your diet, consuming them fresh and without salt.

Fresh potherb

Fresh potherb is a source of beta-carotene, vitamin C and other antioxidants known for their capability of reducing cellular affection and for their anti-inflammatory effects. More than 3 ratios of potherb each day can make miracles.

Fresh fruit

The fruit flavonoids, along with the other compounds increase the antioxidant effect of vitamin C, and that is why it is recommended to eat 2-3 ratios each day.

Fish and seafood

Oily fish, such as herring, mackerel, salmon and carp, are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids,

as well as mussel and edible mollusks. It is recommended to include these in your diet at least three

times per week.

Soy products

Isoflavones contained in soy have strong anti-inflammatory properties. Add soy products to your diet: beans, soy milk, soy sauce, soy oil, tofu etc.


The canola oil and the extra-virgin olive oil are directly correlated to diminishing inflammations. Using these oils in your diet with moderation is recommended.

Lean poultry

Proteins are used by the human body to repair cells, to build antibodies, enzymes and hormones. Lean poultry has been associated with a reduced level of inflammation related markers.


Water is the substance essential to the human body’s functioning. It constitutes an environment for all the chemical processes, it dilutes the toxins and helps eliminate them. Water helps forming, ingesting, absorbing and transporting nutrients with anti-inflammatory effects.

Herbs and spices

Spices and aromatic herbs are still undergoing research concerning their anti-inflammatory properties, especially since they can be used to replace unwanted ingredients from the patients’ diet, such as saturated fats, sometimes sugar etc.

Foods which increase inflammation

Of course, there are sufficient foods which attack our body every day: refined cereal, red meat, butter, processed meat, fat dairy products, sweets, pizza, french fries, hydrogenated fats, and refreshing carbonated beverages.

A diet rich in such products is directly correlated with an increase in the reactive C protein blood levels and, of course, an increased risk of developing chronic affections, obesity and cancer.

Saturated and trans-saturated fats used in the production and processing of certain foods, processed meat such as that used in sausages have been associated with a high number of inflammations and chronic affections.

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